Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Do You Remember

Cut and tear at what I have left behind. The bread crumbs to the mine field.  I left them hoping you would find me, hold me. Alas you went looking for a child and found only a part of its past. Among the scattered limbs you may be able to rebuild a likeness of me. Alas that person has long since lost his place in this world. Now the ghosts of failure and regrets haunt the flesh, seeking their solace and piece of mind.

The cackle of the crowd remind me of the world that seems so wonderful, so far from my grasp. This is the story my mind has been crafted to tell. This is the face I see in he mirror. This is who I am to myself. If I could prove myself wrong I would. Alas I lack the evidence to see anything more than the waste that clogs the drains.

I ask not for pity or proof of my worth.It would be a futile badge worn on a broken frame. I am only this, and nothing more.

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